

The Visa Approval letter is the letter approved, signed & red sealed by the Vietnam Immigration Department (Vietnam Government). It allows you board and pick up your visa on arrival at any of the five international airports of Vietnam.

Shared approval letter

批量簽證批准函/Shared approval letter

Confidential approval letter

私人簽證核准函/Confidential approval letter


Print the entire approval letter (preferably in color but this is not essential) and don’t forget to take it with you! Some airlines will ask to see the letter before they allow you to check in or board the aircraft and you will need it at the VOA desk when you arrive at the airport in Vietnam.

免責聲明:本網站既不是一個政府網站, 亦不附屬於大使館。本網站只是一家商業網站,諮詢和支持獲得越南簽證。