

Visa On Arrival (VOA) is one of the several visa types issued by the Vietnamese Immigration Department to foreigners intending to enter the country.

請注意,這種簽證對其他一些國家的落地簽證不一樣。為了獲得越南的落地簽證,您必須有越南入境事務處的越南簽證核准函 。這可以讓你在到達越南國際機場時拿到簽證。

Please note that unlike the visa on arrival of some other countries, in order to get Vietnam’s Visa On Arrival, you must have a visa approval letter from the Immigration Department of Vietnam. This allows you to pick up your visa on arrival at the international airport of Vietnam.


If you want to pick up your visa on arrival at international airports of Vietnam, you should apply online through a website for the Vietnam visa or contact your travel agent in Vietnam to ask for a visa approval letter from the Vietnam Immigration Department.


Upon arrival at the international airports of Vietnam, you will be required to show the visa approval letter to get the visa stamped on your passport.

落地簽證”的特點/“Visa On Arrival” features:

Vietnam Visa On Arrival


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